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Welcome to my online freelance writing portfolio.

Here you can find links to all of my published articles and writing that I've done for hire. Keep in mind, this page is updated frequently. Projects are listed by most recent first.

At the moment, the majority of these articles are from, a website that focuses on building a strong online art community through a strengthened focus on the 21 principles of art.

Feel free to browse at your leisure, of course.

Published Articles:

November 18, 2014
Approaching the 'E' Word
It's generally accepted that what aspiring artists fear above all else is failure, plain and simple. They fear failing in their profession, not being able to be successful, of being utterly rejected, of the artwork they painstakingly poured their blood, sweat and tears into being forever misunderstood and unappreciated. Exhibits...I politely argue that there is no word more terrifying to the aspiring artist
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November 12, 2014
Experiencing Shaun Tan's The Arrival
Some of the most extraordinary, fantastical works of art we ever have the pleasure of encountering are those that are the product of raw circumstance-- They seem to exist as almost purely accidental discoveries, waiting from the shadowed sidelines of life, hidden in their subtle of disguises. My first experience with the work of Shaun Tan was one such an encounter.
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September 19th, 2014
Pop Tabs and Fashion
Pop tabs. Originally called "push tabs" in the 1970's when they were used in place of traditional "pull tabs" on Coors light cans, they served the purpose of opening a canned beverage without needing to be discarded like their predecessors (as they never leave the can). Today, these quirky little devices are quite inexpensive (or virtually free, if your family drinks a lot of soda), and their simple shape and design promises that these everyday objects are preloaded with infinite creative possibilities.
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August 5th, 2014
Casual Gamer
The onslaught of ridiculously mundane app games currently available for download on virtually any internet capable device is not only unprecedented, but downright terrifying. The common assumption is that these app games provide little genuine gaming experience to the real game player, and offer instead cheap entertainment value, buckets of unsolicited advertisements, and severe habitual addiction disguised behind a thick charade of meaningless achievements intended to provide the illusion of progress.
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July 29th, 2014
Comic Cons and Artist Alley
SAN DIEGO, CA - For those individuals who love art, but wouldn't be caught dead within 10 feet of a comic book convention, you might want to think again. The bottom line is this: the modern day comic con is about more than just comic books. Individuals who believe such or are reluctant to attend a comic book convention because they're "not really into comic books" miss out on something that is much, much more than a collection of comic book vendors and people dressed up in character costumes.
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June 23rd, 2014
Stephen King: Unprecedented Success
Life can often feel like a constant barrage of endless conflict as we struggle to overcome obstacle after obstacle in our infinite pursuit of success. Often times we become dispirited when we glimpse just how long and harrowing the road ahead of us, what with its many unprecedented twists and turns, promises to be. We give up on ourselves before we've even begun, assuming that the mere possibility of failure is the quintessential same as having already failed.
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May 1st 2014
Are Video Games an Art Form?
After spending more than an hour reading through the comments posted in reply to acclaimed movie critic Roger Ebert's eloquently titled article, "video Games Will Never Be Art," I found myself at an utter loss for words. The sheer ignorance of defensive individuals on both sides of the argument is downright astounding.
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April 1st, 2014
The Walking Dead: Slaughtering Zombies and Breaking Records
October 9th 2013 marked the 10 year anniversary of Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore's provocative and trendsetting apocalyptic new cult classic, The Walking Dead. Avid fans of the emotionally enthralling zombie comic book turned controversial hit AMC television series had an appetite to rival that of the flesh-eating objects of their admiration; A hunger that was near insatiable, as was all too evident in their response to this highly-anticipated issue.
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March 21st, 2014
Oculus Rift: Redefining the Future of the Gaming Industry
It is beautiful, really. Somehow these two words seem strange, almost foreignAnd yet, the name of what may be one of the most historically important developments in video game technologies rolls right off the tongue, like a snippet of steamy celebrity gossip.
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March 19th, 2014
The Other Renaissance Master
While the history books may remember the High Renaissance as having taken place during a brief span of 40 or so years, the consequences of this cultural "revival" that swept Italy and consequently engulfed all of Europe would continue to shape history beyond the 1400's.
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February 28th, 2014
Crafts and Arts: A challenge of Perspective
"Arts and crafts" - It has become customary to see these two separate concepts in a state of constant comparison. The reality behind the individual nuances of each have dissipated over time; bound to each other by cliché, the fine line between the two has been blurred practically into nonexistence.
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